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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Yoon Han

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Oil on canvas
This collection takes you on a journey of perception through large-scale paintings, challenging reality with negative colors and abstract forms. Using modern technology like the camera, I blur boundaries between reality and abstraction, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

“My work is an exploration of the intricate relationship between perception and representation, inviting viewers to embark on a captivating journey into the depths of human experience. Through a series of four large-scale paintings, I challenge conventional notions of reality by employing a bold negative color palette and utilizing the human body as a canvas.Drawing inspiration from the interplay between perception and representation, I aim to engage viewers in a dialogue about the reliability of visual interpretation. By distorting cognitive expectations through inverted colors and abstract forms, I invite viewers to question their understanding of their surroundings and the human experience.Central to my concept is the use of modern digital technology, specifically the camera, as a tool for manipulation and transformation. By incorporating the camera into my artistic process, I blur the boundaries between reality and abstraction, encouraging viewers to interact with the pieces in two different dimensions.Ultimately, my thesis project offers a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of perception and representation, challenging viewers to reconsider their preconceived notions about reality and inviting them on a journey of discovery into the fluidity of human experience.”

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Microscape second
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Work by

Yoon Han

Drawing & Painting

“My work is an exploration of the intricate relationship between perception and representation, inviting viewers to embark on a captivating journey into the depths of human experience. Through a...” [More]