Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Ariana Fraser
A mirror stares at a mirror and the mirror stares back. Throughout this conversation are endless versions of a room extending into a room extending into a room. When I stand between them this conversation shifts to reveal my body in all its versions. I can close the door and end the conversation, but instead I stand and witness the changes reflected back to me in multiples. I move between hard tile and soft wood while this arched portal extends each movement. What is, will and will not always be. "Vessels and Vestiges" is a history of belonging/non-belonging told through the physical remnants of intimacy that take shape alongside memory. In these personal reflections, the ephemeral meets the tangible within the dwelling, revealing the stories of experience witnessed, and carrying forward a recollection of embodied existence.
Work by
Ariana Fraser
Interdisciplinary Drawing and Painting
“Set within the dwellings that make tangible the ephemeral qualities of intimacy, my work references personal reflections on desire and moments of belonging/non-belonging. Oscillating between a...” [More]
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