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Faculty of Art

Integrated Media

Joel Jacob Mathew

Absence | An Experimental Documentary

Video + 5.1 Audio Channel
1920 x 1080
00:05:27 [hh:mm:ss]
What does it mean to be absent-minded? This five-minute, multi-channel, audio-visual documentary titled, Absence, ticks the genre of an experimental narrative as it explores the abstraction and derealization that come with absent-mindedness. It probes into the poetry of the mind's careless clutter, utilizing fast cuts, montages, and repetitional components disguised as music. I chose this topic owing to its eccentric nature and substantial impact on my life. This portrayal of the self is filmed at home using a narrative element as the storyline leads viewers through the events in the brain and visuals to orchestrate the experience of absent-mindedness that runs concurrently with the audio components. Absent-mindedness is being immersed in thought and oblivious to one's environment or activities. However, this term is ambiguous, considering each individual possesses a unique experience with this phenomenon. Absent-mindedness can aid with creativity, but it can also steal valuable time without awareness and is a contrast to documentary studies.

“My mind is like a human synthesizer, creating its compositions of reality. ”

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2) Absence | An Experimental Documentary
2) Absence | An Experimental Documentary
2024, GradEx 109
100 McCaul Street

Work by

Joel Jacob Mathew

Sound Designer/Video Artist

““To create, first, we must feel. To feel, first, we must be human.” I create art to highlight personal experiences, issues and flaws, whether through the visual abstraction of absent-mindedness or...” [More]