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Faculty of Design


Amanda Chen Tsai

Go Fish

The artwork portrays a huge giant fish under the sea, symbolizing the vast and unknown opportunities that exist in the new world. The fish is depicted as a majestic and powerful creature, representing the potential for growth and transformation that can be found in embracing the unknown. The use of color and shading adds depth and mystery to the piece, evoking the sense of wonder and possibility that comes with exploring uncharted territory. The subject's posture and body language suggest a feeling of being lost or adrift, emphasizing the need to look beyond the surface level and dive deep in order to uncover the hidden opportunities that lie beneath. This artwork serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of taking risks, embracing the unknown, and being open to the vast potential that exists within ourselves and the world around us.

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Go Fish
Go Fish

Work by

Amanda Chen Tsai


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