Faculty of Arts & Science
Digital Futures
Roann Cordova
Shape of Texture
Digital Media
A single-player, first-person horror exploration with a mystery narrative.
“The player’s senses will be tested and tricked and they will have to navigate through their environment using audio as a guiding source. This game relies on thought and exploration - to keep the player always curious and thinking deeply about their senses and surroundings.I was assigned the role of the Game Designer and 3D generalist to create a game along with other students at OCAD University and the University of Toronto. I kept to make sure that the play experience from the game is intuitive and can be navigated easily with the use of knowledge from various theories and studies. Allowing myself to also contribute to the overall aesthetic of the produced game by creating the environments seen within the game.”
Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2023/2024!