Faculty of Design

Material Art & Design

Ziyi Wang

FOOD LOTTERY.(Burger collar pin)

Magnet, Gold plated sterling silver
4.5 cm x 2.3 cm
Why doesn't food we buy look like what it is presented in the pictures? This project is inspired by our everyday experience, where we encounter situations in which the actual products differ from their illustrations in advertisements. What we actually get can leave us feeling extremely disappointed like losing a food lottery. Based on this experience, a series of wearable jewellery in forms of food in unexpected conditions is developed and presented in a blind box.

“The burger collar pin, this project was inspired by my experience of buying fast food. Every time I saw the advertisement, the burger was very tempting; each layer was full of filling, but the real thing I got would always have a small filling between two big bun pieces. To restore such a frustrating effect, I made a considerable size contrast between the bun and the burger's filling, making the bun part very big and the inner part tiny. I used metal for the entire piece, splitting the bun part into two halves, hollowing out the middle and inlaying magnets on both sides to make it into a container. The filling part was first shaped in metal and then coloured to clearly show the ingredients represented by each piece of filling: cheese, meatloaf, lettuce, and tomato. Each piece of filling is strung together with a chain and attached to the inside of the bun. When the wearer opens the bun from the middle, the filling chain hidden inside is revealed.”

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FOOD LOTTERY (Burger collar pin)
FOOD LOTTERY (Burger collar pin)
FOOD LOTTERY (Burger collar pin)
FOOD LOTTERY (Burger collar pin)
FOOD LOTTERY (Burger collar pin)
FOOD LOTTERY (Burger collar pin)

Work by

Ziyi Wang

“Jewellery is a medium to convey happiness and joy to people....” [More]