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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Yannan Ma

Weensy and the Giant

Digital Media
Weensy and the Giant is a 2-Player VR sandbox game that follows the adventures of Weensy, a whimsical child with the ability to shrink, and the Giant, a solemn guardian with the ability to grow. The garden that they are in is littered with minigames that take advantage of the different players' unique abilities. This mechanic hopes to take advantage of the immersion in VR and allow players to experience size and perspective changes that would otherwise be impossible.My role in this project was primarily as a coder, but I also was involved in setting up the play space and designing the game mechanics and minigames. I included some progress pictures of me trying to set up an event system where buttons trigger doors to open. I also included progress pictures of how I set up the environment and the different iterations it went through. To learn more about this project, visit the page.

“Tools and Skills:- Unity for asset integration and playtesting- Visual Studio Code for scripting- Oculus app for implementing the Unity build to the Quest 2 VR headsets. ”

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Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
Weensy and the Giant
2022, Digital Futures Open Show 2022
205 Richmond Street West

Work by

Yannan Ma aka. Mayan

Digital Futures

“A lot of my time is spent daydreaming of alternate realities or fantasy worlds. I am drawn towards game design and creation because I feel like it is the perfect medium to bring these dreams to life....” [More]