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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Camille Ubay

From The Studio

From The Studio, Digital Painting, 2023

“As an artist, I am continually captivated by the beauty and complexity of the interplay between light and space. In this digital sketch of my artist studio, I set out to capture the essence of this interplay, while also showcasing one of the mediums that I am particularly drawn to: pen and ink.My studio is a sacred space, a place where I can lose myself in my work and explore the depths of my creativity. Through this digital painting, I hope to share a glimpse of that experience with others, to invite them into my world.Whether I am working with pen and ink, digital media, or any other medium, my goal as an artist is to capture the energy and essence of the world around me and bring it to life on canvas. I am passionate about the power of art to transform the way we see and experience the world, and I encourage us to explore and find beauty in the spaces around us.”

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From The Studio
From The Studio

Work by

Camille Ubay


“Hi there! My name is Camille and I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on animation, illustration, poetry and digital media....” [More]