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Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Minghao Li

what I was

Dyed resin, Palette knife, Cigarettes
Cigarettes are objects that I encounter every day and most of my friends smokes too.Cigarettes mean a lot to me; however, I would not say I am addicted to cigarettes. Lots of people smoke in China, at least from what I know. Statistics from the National Health and Family Planning Commission showed the smoking rate among men is 52.96 percent, and more than 28 percent of people older than 15 light up. About 1.4 million Chinese die from smoking-related diseases every year on the mainland, accounting for one-third of the world's total. These stats show the popularity of cigarettes and also the damage it has done to people. I admit the damage, but cigarettes for lots of people are mental support at the moment. Lots of artists smoke.I am not saying that artists have to smoke or there is a necessary connection, but cigarettes are the object that keeps people accompanied.

“I choose cigarettes because I smoke, and most of my friends smoke. It is a ubiquitous object that I almost see every day. There is news about cigarettes daily, some are positive, and some are negative. I see cigarettes as a neutral object. When I was a kid, I saw adults smoking teachers smoking, and I was curious about this thing. I would say cigarette is deeply bounded into my life. Even I didn't smoke at the time, I would smell the scent of tobacco from others. I felt something was wrong when I could not smell the scent of tobacco. Rather than calling it "addiction," I would instead think I am used to being at a place with people smoking beside me. I know it sounds absurd, but it is the reality. Also, I'm aware and admit that it is unhealthy for my body; however, it is mental support for me or a physical object that could accompany me when I'm alone. It is a feeling at a moment that I need. Therefore, I choose to use resin to freeze the moment like an ice cube, like a piece of memory. Cigarettes cannot represent me. However, it is an object around me that I need. I came to Canada 5 years ago and did not know anyone in the country. I started a new life and a new journey; I learned to smoke, but I don't think it is terrible. It is more like a friend rather than an object.”

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what I was
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what I was
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what I was
what I was
what I was
what I was
what I was
what I was
what I was
what I was

Work by

Minghao Li

Graphic Design

“Painters can show people the world as they see it; calligraphers can show the world their state of mind; modern artists can show people their view of the world; and what graphic designers need to do...” [More]