Faculty of Art
Kalijah Peters
Walk On Memories
Luster Photo Paper
13 x 19
This work follows I wanted to document places I used to frequently go to in my old childhood neighbourhood. Through these series of images, I wanted to see what those places looked like, if anything had changed from when I was a child up until now as an adult while visiting a familiar place. The concept I wanted to play around with was the idea of memory. These moments that we wanted to go back to or revisit, experimenting with memory and key moments that are brought back by being in certain locations. We often have many things tied to unlocking memories such as a smell or a place or a phrase and I wanted to explore that with this project. Throughout the shoot she naturally ended up doing the same stuff we did as children, climbing the weird tree, peering through the hole in that cylinder that looks like a well etc. It was interesting to feel so natural in a place we both haven't been to in years, it felt familiar and automatic. I captured the images on Onesec 400D, 35mm film. The use of film added to this sense of memory for me as the grain and colours felt most like a memory and evoked a nostalgic feel. It encapsulated the desire to return to a time we can't go back to. The mix of this film stock as well as the cloudy weather brought out this sense of other worldliness. There is a sense of sadness or loneliness and wonder. This sense of nostalgia I find is a beautiful thing. The use of colours that I chose for my sister to wear was to bring about this child like wonder with the colourful patterned pants that encapsulates a sense of child like wonder.
Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2023/2024!