Paulina Padilla

Fantasmas Desérticos

Oil Painting
950 (CAD) For Sale
I was working on this piece for my solo show at Amapola San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. During that time, I was receiving feedback from a mentor and friend Artemio Sepúlveda who is still active in his studio. He belongs to the generation that came after the mexican muralists and went to the iconic school La Esmeralda, where Frida and Diego were teachers along with Siqueiros, and many well known artists.

“This piece explores the emotional spaces I inhabit after cultural displacement. Although the figures are not self-portraits, they personalize 'Vulnerability' and 'Identity' in relationship to sexuality.”

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Fantasmas Desérticos
Fantasmas Desérticos

Work by

Paulina Padilla aka. Citronelaa


“My work navigates the instincts of the body in its different manifestations. Experiencing our body through a screen, can magnify the distraction and entrainement lens through which we encounter the...” [More]