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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Eden Rafuse

Abscission: Sweet Little Lies

Oil on Wood Pannel
24 " x 30"
Oil Paint, on semi exposed wooden board. with A therapeutic meditative painting, processing a mixture of gas-lighting inflicted by both others and myself. A reflection on having to come to terms with my own gender and sexuality.

“This oil painting is a manifestation Rafuse puts out for the purpose of self understanding and acceptance.The still life painting is painted overtop masked lettering. The letters are a note written to Rafuse at a young age. The letter is in regards to Rafuse's expressed concerns of gender dysphoria before they had the language to express it. The green journal beneath the crystals features a majority of Rafuse's questioning and confusion of gender and sexuality as well as navigating emotionally abusive relationships. Each of the crystals have significant meaning: amethyst, smokey quartz and rose quartz. The dried and dyed rose with removed thorns representing a past attempt to alter themselves for the sake of someone else.”

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Abscission: Sweet Little Lies
Abscission: Sweet Little Lies

Work by

Eden Rafuse

Drawing, Painting and Animation

“A Drawing and Painting Graduate who has dipped their toe in every medium pond. Expanding into 2D Stop Motion Animation. Eden's favorite mediums are cut paper, paint, plant materials and anything with...” [More]