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Faculty of Design


Ellie Hsu

Indolence and Interfered Reception of Signals

Acrylic on canvas
18 x 24"
This is an unconventional take on a self portrait about younger generations and their distractions in daily lives. As a representative of my generation, I am aware of the importance of self-reflection. However, this often leads to an excessive anxiety about our psychological well-being and our surroundings. To cope with this, we may develop small fixations on things that bring temporary calmness to our otherwise chaotic lives. Unfortunately, over time, these fixations can become obsessive and consume us entirely.Based on Uemura Shoen's Ukiyo-e, "Mother and Child," which depicts a peaceful, conventional way of life in the Japanese Showa period. Through my self-portrait, I wanted to contrast such life with the restless present of today's younger generation.

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Indolence and Interfered Reception of Signals
Indolence and Interfered Reception of Signals

Work by

Ellie Hsu