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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Atkiya Raisa

Indigo Revolt, 1859

48" X 60"
Reflecting on the history of Indigo rebellion that happened in Bengal,1859 and creating a space to to talk about the movement.

“Indigo cultivation has been an important part of Bengal's history throughout the century. However, during the British colonial period and under the East India Company, the indigo plantation and production became one of the most explosive forms of oppression. The enormous power and control given to the indigo planters over the farmers led to the widespread frustration, anger and dissatisfaction amongst the indigo farmers. The forced cultivation of the indigo at the expense of the food crop aggravated the already widespread famine.The harsh working conditions and low wages for the farmers while profiting off of their hardships is quite comparable with the garment industry of today.The prominent similarities between the indigo farmers and the garment industry workers based on the low wage, poor living condition, forced cost sufficient cultivation, human rights violation and other exploitative practices call for a change or perhaps, demands for a revolution.”

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Indigo Revolt, 1859
Indigo Revolt, 1859

Work by

Atkiya Raisa

Drawing and Painting

“The perspective of indigo travelling across the world and ending up in Toronto is fascinating. ...” [More]