Mary Claire Page

Employee of the Month

Mixed Media
Acrylic paint and medium, garbage (couch foam, fabric scraps and textile waste, plastic bags, cardboard, etc.), plywood
182cm x 200cm
A grim yet humourous look at what it means to be a model employee.

““Employee of the Month” combines elements of painting and sculpture to create a humorous yet insidious installation. Mary Page unpacks grievances with corporate greed and the expectations of the worker, while drawing inspiration from personal experience in retail and customer service. Caught in a moment between tasks, the main figure poses for a picture honouring their hard-earned achievement of employee of the month. They are joined by the desperate, distressed portraits of others like them. In a world where “grind culture” encourages people to abandon personal and emotional desires for a hard days' work while employers offer insufficient compensation for such, “Employee of the Month” seeks to start a conversation about why we’re willing to work ourselves to death? ”

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Employee of the Month
Employee of the Month

Work by

Mary Claire Page

Painting and Sculpture

“Using methods of painting, sculpture and digital media, my art is a means to share my experiences and anxieties about the world we live in. My work tackles themes of the body as an exploited object,...” [More]