Faculty of Arts & Science
Creative Writing
Reem Rizk
Dream Diary: Book One
Tender, mystical, and introspective, Dream Diary: Book One is Reem Rizk’s debut graphic novel, exploring the imaginative parallels between dreams and realities. Accustomed to her daily life working the Saturn Concert Hall venue, Nour finds herself reflecting on her own once-dulcet aspirations. One night, Nour is pulled into a mysteriously episodic fantasy world—one intricately linked to her own reality. As Nour navigates how to honour her own aspirations—she confronts enigmatic yet familiar creatures, and unravels the imaginative connections between her days and nights. Written and illustrated by Reem Rizk, Dream Diary: Book One culminates Reem’s BFA thesis in Creative Writing at OCAD University.
“Dream Diary is a graphic novel series that explores the imaginative parallels between dreams and realities. The narrative emphasises the semiotic connections between the subconscious and conscious realms. Through symbolic storytelling, the graphic novel delves into the profound relationship between our inner worlds and external experiences. This use of recurring motifs drives the plot forward by inviting readers to unravel the layers of meaning within the protagonist Nour’s psyche. ”

Work by
Reem Rizk
Creative Writing
“Dream Diary: Book One is Reem Rizk’s debut graphic novel, exploring the imaginative parallels between dreams and realities. Accustomed to her daily life working the Saturn Concert Hall venue, Nour...” [More]
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