Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Ariana Fraser
The Soap
I think deeply about the relationship we're in and how our dynamic shifts around our individuality. I think about where he's going to be in 4 years, where I'll be in 4 months. He has such a sense of permanence in his life that I find reassuring. He's not afraid to live as though he has more time. He's not afraid to move slowly, to chew his food before he swallows. I don't know if I've ever felt that kind of reassurance in my life. And part of me s sure that I won't.I stood in the shower looking at our hair mixed together on the soap bar and, as I picked them off one by one, I thought about swallowing them. With that bar of soap I washed us away. "Vessels and Vestiges" is a history of belonging/non-belonging told through the physical remnants of intimacy that take shape alongside memory. In these personal reflections, the ephemeral meets the tangible within the dwelling, revealing the stories of experience witnessed, and carrying forward a recollection of embodied existence.
Work by
Ariana Fraser
Interdisciplinary Drawing and Painting
“Set within the dwellings that make tangible the ephemeral qualities of intimacy, my work references personal reflections on desire and moments of belonging/non-belonging. Oscillating between a...” [More]
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