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Faculty of Design


Nathalia Bedenikovich

Pursuit of Chance

Mixed Media
Academic assignment to create a piece within the same theme as another. This work is in connection with "Fate's Lace". Both works are focused on the theme of choices, actions, consequences and who would you be if you did opposite of what you chose.

““Pursuit of Chance” is an artwork about taking risks and exploring the unknown. Thispiece features an extended hand reaching out to the wolf’s mouth willingly, yetunknowing of the outcome. The wolf may “bite” (a negative outcome) or the wolf may“lick” (a positive outcome), yet it is unknown until the action is taken. This analogyrepresents the choices and risks we encounter in our lives, whether it be in our art,relationships or careers, etc”

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Pursuit of Chance
Pursuit of Chance

Work by

Nathalia Bedenikovich


“A well versed artist experienced in detailed digital works, vibrant acrylic paintings and bold mixed media pieces. ”