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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Diana Kiaee

Chasing Ritual (Day)

Pen, Hair spray, Sewn Beads and Patches of Textile on Raw Canvas
3.75 x 7.5 ft
Detail and Full Scale Shots

“If my body of work were to act as a tangible depiction of this childhood memory, it would have to start with the cluster of lepidopteran forms that fluttered above the small unattended garden under my apartment complex. This part of the memory takes the form of two large-scale monochromatic ink drawings that have been diluted on raw and dyed canvas; a visual effect that echoes both the ephemeral nature of winged forms as well as the fragmented nature of memories themselves. The cluster of lepidopteran forms that sit within both the day and night variations of this drawing, are visually depicted in a translucent and overlapping manner that signifies memory; something that is almost tangible, yet not fully there. Simultaneously, while the beads and patches that are sewn over the lepidopteran forms are meant to mimic the organically patterned quality of insect wings, they also signify an attempt to make up for this lack of clarity.”

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Wings (Day)
Wings (Day)
Wings (Day)
Wings (Day)
Wings (Day)
Wings (Day)

Work by

Diana Kiaee


“A fragmented memory of a childhood ritual; one only as ephemeral as the lepidopteran forms it is depicted as, and only as tangible as patches, ink, wire, beads, and chains.”