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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Vicki Shi

Whispers of Light Series

Mix media
Silver foil and oil on wooden board (24”x24")Acrylic & oil on wooden board (6"x8")Chinese ink & oil on canvas (36"x36"), 2024

“This collection comprises three distinct pieces that delve into the aesthetic exploration of 'appear and disappear,' examining the interplay between light and shadows. Infused with elements from my cultural background, the series incorporates subtle nuances such as Tang Dynasty tricolor horses and the incorporation of traditional Chinese ink. Through a harmonious fusion of Eastern and Western influences, the artworks present a compelling contrast between abstraction and representation, inviting viewers to ponder the intrinsic beauty found in the convergence of diverse artistic expressions.

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Whispers of Light Series
Whispers of Light Series
Whispers of Light Series
Whispers of Light Series

Work by

Vicki Shi

“I dive into the wild ride of modern womanhood and my personal quest for identity, turning up the emotional volume and mixing vibes, all from a calm and feminine viewpoint.”