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Faculty of Design


Samantha Pasut

Eclipsed Illumination

Acrylic on Canvas
The visionary archetype embodies imagination, intuition, and foresight, allowing individuals to transcend present limitations and pursue their visions purposefully. Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and resilience, thriving even in adversity. Their rapid growth reflects vitality and abundance, inspiring personal development and spiritual enlightenment through their upward-reaching pattern. Together, they represent a journey of creative exploration, resilience, and spiritual growth.

“ Like sunflowers reaching towards the sun, this piece celebrates the visionary spirit, embodying adoration, loyalty, and the relentless pursuit of purpose. ”

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Eclipsed Illumination
Eclipsed Illumination

Work by

Samantha Pasut aka. daughterofpicasso


“Monet once said, I must have flowers, always and always.”