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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Yannan Ma

Joseph Kills Lucy

Digital Media
Joseph Kills Lucy is a rhythm-hybrid combat game that follows the adventure of Lucy, an aspiring guitarist in a grunge band, who narrowly survives a murder attempt. As they fight through different bosses in their lucid reality, they slowly piece together the identity of the perpetrator of this violence. This game was a collaborative thesis project between me and a group of friends. We worked on this game for 4 months. I was the primary programmer in this project and was responsible for scripting player movement, instantiating projectiles, boss attack patterns, missed attack feedback, conductor class that kept track of the song's BPM, attack indicators, some UI elements, simple inputs, combo system, tutorial sequence, pause and end game features, coroutines, and collision detection/ignoring. Naturally, this also meant that I spent a lot of time debugging. I included some of the process images that go through my process of slowly adding all of the key systems necessary for the game to run. I also included a video of the final prototype that we were able to create by the end of the thesis term. However, a full playlist with short video documentation can be found here: download the prototype, visit the page.

“Tools and Skills:- Unity for assigning behaviors to game objects, creating visual effects, and UI- Visual Studio Code for writing code”

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Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy
Joseph Kills Lucy

Work by

Yannan Ma aka. Mayan

Digital Futures

“A lot of my time is spent daydreaming of alternate realities or fantasy worlds. I am drawn towards game design and creation because I feel like it is the perfect medium to bring these dreams to life....” [More]