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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Vicki Shi

Azure Tranquility

Mix Media
This piece features a canvas infused with the delicate splatter of ink, serving as the backdrop. The primary intention is to convey a sense of grace, akin to the gentle flow of silk, and the serene utopia bathed in moonlight. The canvas, born from the artful spray of ink, captures the essence of tranquility, mirroring the smoothness of silk and the hushed sanctuary illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight. Together, these elements create a composition that encapsulates a tranquil haven, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the subtle beauty of this ethereal world.

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Azure Tranquility
Azure Tranquility
Azure Tranquility
Azure Tranquility
Azure Tranquility
Azure Tranquility

Work by

Vicki Shi

“I dive into the wild ride of modern womanhood and my personal quest for identity, turning up the emotional volume and mixing vibes, all from a calm and feminine viewpoint.”