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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Yannan Ma

Gravity: Null

Digital Media
Gravity: Null is a 3D platformer game that was created for 20 Second Game Jam 2023 ( The gameplay revolves around being able to stop gravity to navigate through platforms and barriers as the player moves from level to level. I was responsible for creating all of the art assets. Since this was a short game jam, I had to make fast, low-poly assets that suited the space station theme. I included screenshots of the models I created, as well as a video showing the full gameplay. To play the game, visit the link.

“Tools and Skills:- Maya for 3D modeling- Unity to add models and simple PBR shaders”

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Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null
Gravity: Null

Work by

Yannan Ma aka. Mayan

Digital Futures

“A lot of my time is spent daydreaming of alternate realities or fantasy worlds. I am drawn towards game design and creation because I feel like it is the perfect medium to bring these dreams to life....” [More]