Faculty of Art


Malik Dieleman

Experimental Process: Toning Cyanotypes

Toned Cyanotypes on Watercolour Paper
During his time at OCAD U, Malik discovered a love for the historical process of making Cyanotypes. In this alternative photography method, paper is coated with light-sensitive chemicals, covered with a negative, and exposed to UV light. Building upon this process, Malik experiments by applying bleach and a variety of natural dyes (wine tannin, pomegranate rind, tea, coffee, etc.) to tone the bright blue prints into a spectrum of colours, including yellows, browns, and reds.

“In my final year, I began an independent study to produce a resource book, compiling research and examples of my Cyanotype toning experiments. This project was interrupted by COVID-19 lockdowns. However, I am eager to get back into a darkroom and complete it. This resource will be made available for future students and to the wider art community.”

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Bleach & Masking Tests
Bleach & Masking Tests
Toning Test: Wine Tannin, 20min
Toning Test: Wine Tannin, 20min
Toning Test: Teapigs Green Tea, 2hours
Toning Test: Teapigs Green Tea, 2hours
Toning Test: Fluid Masking, Bleach
Toning Test: Fluid Masking, Bleach
Toning Test: Pomegranate Powder, overnight
Toning Test: Pomegranate Powder, overnight
Toning Test: Bleach, Tannin Powder 2 hours
Toning Test: Bleach, Tannin Powder 2 hours
Toning Test: Bleach, Wine Tannin 20min
Toning Test: Bleach, Wine Tannin 20min
Toning Cyanotypes: Process Documentation
Toning Cyanotypes: Process Documentation

Work by

Malik Dieleman


“I have always been drawn to the interaction between human and place....” [More]