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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Sydney Lad

Amorphous Globusus

Mixed Media
"Corporeal Transgressions" sculptures

““Amorphous Globosus,” a reference to a phenomenon seen in livestock in which spherical masses of skin and hair are birthed in place of a fetus, are humorous bodily representations exhibiting both the possibility of play and the imaginative facets of the body through the grotesque. Made from silicone and foam, these objects are adorned with acrylic teeth, tattoos, piercings, and my own hair. An abstraction of bodily features, the multiple “Amorphous Globosus” engage the materiality of the body through their tactility; the various skin-like textures, hard shiny teeth, and bleach damaged hair representing fragments of a bodily existence, the objects both intrigue and disgust. ”

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Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
Amorphous Globusus
2024, Gradex

Work by

Sydney Lad

Drawing and Painting

“Exploring the absurdity of limitation and the joy in play and possibility, I create works that reflect the transformative experiences of the human body. Focusing on metamorphic processes of birth,...” [More]