Leia Kook-Chun

Between the Cards

Created in collaboration with Shannen Guntoro.Between the Cards is an interactive experience inspired by tarot cards. The project aims to provide a calming, meditative, and introspective experience that explores topics about life, what it means to exist, and future possibilities through tarot-inspired landscapes and characters. Interact with the characters to uncover their story while exploring the low-poly environment. The project explores one tarot card: The Fool.Link to Game (Desktop): https://basealeios.itch.io/between-the-cardLink to Website: https://3168045.wixsite.com/betweenthecards

“Experience tarot through interactive storytelling”

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Between the Cards
Between the Cards
Between the Cards
Between the Cards
Between the Cards
Between the Cards

Work by

Leia Kook-Chun aka. Leia KC


“Exploring technology, interactivity, data, and more to create engaging experiences”