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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Anwyn Telford

Quilt Coat 2

A large coat that is made exclusively from both a recycled quilt as well as recycled bedsheets. The proportions of the coat are long and exaggerated with the hood and addition of ruffles meant to encumber the wearer.

“This work once again seeks to transform as well as conceal the wearer and remove the audience from reality. The disfigurement caused by both the coats hood as well as the exaggerated limbs lead the wearer to a state of encumberment, but the comfort and warmth provided by the work seeks to balance out the impracticality and transformation of such an object. ”

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Quilt Coat 2
Quilt Coat 2
Quilt Coat 2
Quilt Coat 2

Work by

Anwyn Telford aka. Annie

Painting + Textiles

“I am a multi-disciplinary artist working in both painting as well as textiles and wearable artworks. My work in this years Grad Ex focuses on monsters and the alteration and disruption of the body...” [More]