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Faculty of Design


Mark Krzepis

Achilles Defeats Hector

Acrylic gouache, coloured pencil, and graphite on wood panel
The climax of Homer's 'Iliad' depicted as a gritty crime pulp

“Greek myth has been the subject matter of choice for many Neoclassical artists. In this violent episode of the Iliad, Achilles prepares to execute Hector while the latter begs for his life. In this pulp interpretation, I’ve adapted elements of each character’s persona in their outfits and demeanour. Onlookers witness the spectacle from their fire-escapes — echoing the Gods and royalty of Troy spectating from above the wall. Whether the tale of a hardboiled crime magazine or an episode of Greek myth, this fascination of violence transcends notions of high or low — at the end of the day we are all spectators. ”

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Achilles Defeats Hector
Achilles Defeats Hector

Work by

Mark Krzepis aka. Krzepism


“'PVLPIT' takes motifs from Neoclassical paintings and transforms them into pieces of ephemeral lowbrow illustration. Each work focuses on conventions that both high and low art exploit to reveal a...” [More]