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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Megan Parker

How to Fill in The Blank

Animated in Toonboom Harmony
00:02:33 [hh:mm:ss]
A 2D animated film, following Red as they learn how to pursue happiness and finding it in the present moment with the help of those around you.

“In this 2D animated film, titled "How to Fill in the Blank” I tackled the idea of how one finds happiness. Pulling from my own experience, I highlight the ease of simply receiving happiness, letting people into your life, and making room for happiness. Reflected in the title, seeking out answers that are not explicitly told to the character, implicitly shown instead. This decision to approach the idea subtly iterates the idea that happiness comes when you least expect it. This is shown through the main character, Red, traversing through scenes depicting real life candid moments. Inspired by real life recordings taken from my life throughout this past year featuring my own personal friends and family.”

Work by

Megan Parker aka. meog


“Animator by day, printmaker by night.”