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Faculty of Design


Neon Anthony

Kichijoten - The Embodiment of Elegance

The android supermodel Kichijoten, the most beautiful woman in the world, walking the runway with her creator Izanami.

“Kichijoten in lore is the goddess of beauty and happiness. I wanted to depict a darker more grim idea of the future with this image. She is considered the most beautiful woman in the world. She is a model and entertainer bringing happiness to the city. Kichijoten in "Sunrise" is an android, her creator Izanami (in the background of the left) created her. This drawing more into the dystopian aspect as the most beautiful woman in the city is not a real person, they are a machine with an advanced AI, this calling into question how close to human does something have to be to be called real, what are the ramifications of beauty industry to even let this happen, is this even ok?”

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Kichijoten - The Embodiment of Elegance
Kichijoten - The Embodiment of Elegance
Kichijoten - The Embodiment of Elegance
Kichijoten - The Embodiment of Elegance

Work by

Neon Anthony aka. Kindleddawn

Concept Artist | Illustrator

“Sunrise takes Japanese gods and puts them in a futuristic/cyberpunk setting, using their personalities and stories to convey them in concept art.”