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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Eden Rafuse

Surface Tension

oil on wood panel, acrylic on plastic sheet and insulation foam board
5' x 30"
Intended for installation on gallery floor to create an uneasy feeling in viewer as they look down on this vulnerable moment.

“Eden uses a metaphor to describe their gender dysphoria as the monster hidden underneath murky water. The to life scale of the painting is displayed as three painted layers stack on top of one another, the oil painting of the body, the suspended plastic sheet with acrylic bubbles painted onto it, and then the painted wooden frame, all set on the floor. This presentation forces the viewer to look down at the painting and is intended to leave the impression of invading on a vulnerable moment the figure is experiencing. ”

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Surface Tension
Surface Tension
Surface Tension
Surface Tension

Work by

Eden Rafuse

Drawing, Painting and Animation

“A Drawing and Painting Graduate who has dipped their toe in every medium pond. Expanding into 2D Stop Motion Animation. Eden's favorite mediums are cut paper, paint, plant materials and anything with...” [More]