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Faculty of Art


Luca Soldovieri

Glow (1)

Household dust and adhesive on birch panel
16" x 16"
A series ‘paintings’ featuring various windows are created using layered household dust collected from my childhood home. This works address the continual weaving which occurs between internal and external life, both in terms of the building and humans. A study of windows signifies a gaze outwards or inwards, at a distance. It holds an inherent separateness. Conversely, dust seems to intimately contain human life at a cosmic level. It is not only the microscopic remnants of individual and collective lives, but also formed in the friction between them. In the brush of a kiss or the scraping of a chair against the floor. It is the street, the brick, and the slate of a rooftop. These window paintings hold closeness and distance together simultaneously and explore how the coexistence of these two opposing experiences may be what it means to relate to one another and the world.

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Glow (1)
Glow (1)

Work by

Luca Soldovieri

“ Through objects, images, and experiences which are located in both individual and collective memory, my work explores how meaning is generated and where it collects in human life. ...” [More]