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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Eden Rafuse


Acrylic Paint On A Stretched Circular Canvas
14" diameter
Sparrow Lake landscape painting evoking personal connections to lands and the ghostly presence of other peoples connections with the same land across time.

“Ingrained into a landscape is the history of all those who have moved across it or lived within it. Three generations my family has gone camping to this same rocky shore on Sparrow Lake. This painting is a ghostly visage to not only the journey's my own blood has taken on the iron heavy stones, but also, the long history of other campers including the Huron who've travelled along these waters and rocky shores. Representing not only my feeling of connection with the land but also acknowledging the experience, while personal is not private. ”

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Work by

Eden Rafuse

Drawing, Painting and Animation

“A Drawing and Painting Graduate who has dipped their toe in every medium pond. Expanding into 2D Stop Motion Animation. Eden's favorite mediums are cut paper, paint, plant materials and anything with...” [More]