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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Mykke Tablatin

My Own As One

Plaster, Neon Acrylic
In the heart of an ethereal chamber, where darkness and light converge in a dance of transcendent beauty, lies an installation that beckons the soul and awakens the spirit. Behold "My Own As One," a shrine of illumination crafted by the visionary artist .At first glance, "My Own As One" appears as a sanctuary shrouded in mystery, its walls adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that seem to pulse with otherworldly energy. Yet, as one draws closer, the true essence of the installation reveals itself, unfolding like a sacred scroll before the eyes of the beholder.Central to the shrine's design is the masterful use of plaster, a medium that I skillfully manipulated to evoke a sense of timelessness and permanence. Each stroke of the sculptor's hand, each curve and contour, serves as a testament to the artist's reverence for the ancient craft of molding and shaping the very fabric of existence.But it is not the plaster alone that imbues "My Own As One" with its enigmatic allure. No, it is the interplay of light and darkness, of shadow and illumination, that truly sets this installation apart as a masterpiece of sensory exploration.Enter the realm of the black light, where neon acrylic paint takes on a life of its own, casting a radiant glow that bathes the shrine in a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues. Here, amidst the luminescent symphony of colors, I invite the viewers to transcend the confines of the material world and embark on a journey of inner reflection and self-discovery.For "My Own As One" is more than a mere installation; it is a sacred space where the boundaries between self and other, individual and collective, blur and dissolve into a singular, unified whole. Each brushstroke, each flicker of light, serves as a beacon of unity, a testament to the interconnectedness of all beings and the universal longing for harmony and balance.As one stands in the presence of "My Own As One," surrounded by its pulsating energy and ethereal beauty, a profound sense of awe washes over the soul. Here, in this hallowed sanctuary of the imagination, I invite us to embrace our truest selves, to celebrate the inherent divinity that resides within us all, and to recognize that we are, indeed, one with the cosmos.So, dear traveler of the spirit, I invite you to step into the luminous embrace of "My Own As One" and bask in the radiant glow of its transcendent grace. For in the heart of this sacred shrine, amidst the swirling currents of light and shadow, you may just discover the profound truth that we are all, in essence, one.

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My Own As One
My Own As One
My Own As One
My Own As One

Work by

Mykke Tablatin

“Hello, esteemed art enthusiasts and connoisseurs of creativity! Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Mykke, a passionate artist whose journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration has been shaped...” [More]