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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Anas Raza

Multiplayer Game: Fly Catcher

Digital Media
Player URLOpen this link in phone browser (Support Android Only)https://app.fireflysocial.spaceShared MetricsOpen this link separately on a desktop Browser project put forward a perspective that actualizing positive social encounters and playful activities in public spaces creates a sense of togetherness which plays a crucial role in community culture and engagement. Simple, playful activities may potentially create public spaces more interactive. I remember as a child, it was so easy to start and play any game. Children's games are loosely unstructured and require no effort to start or play. However, this is not my intention to develop a children's game but to bring the quality of its Ease and togetherness into the games played in public spaces. Togetherness, Ease of access, and Unstructured play are three primary keywords that have inspired this project. To explore this togetherness with playful activities, I am developing a multiplayer game where players are required to swing their mobile phones to catch flies from a swarm of flies, which is also projected on a large display. I have planned to limit the interactions to a single gesture making it less complicated and promoting a shorter gameplay period assuming that the players are looking for a quick interaction given they are in a public space. This co-located social game is entirely played on the mobile phone device; however, the additional larger display is used to enhance the togetherness of the experience. The participants act as a catalyst for a shared 'together but apart' social experience, and the large screen is collectively controlled or interacted by the participating players.

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Work by

Anas Raza

Experience Designer

“Hi, I’m Anas Raza, an interdisciplinary designer based in Toronto, Canada. My work spans the fields of physical computing, wearable electronics, web interfaces and immersive VR experiences. I have...” [More]