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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Meera Dinh

Eat Me Up (and Taste the Sweetness of my Heart)

38” x 50”
The Dessert - the Last Course of the Banquet

“Dessert can be very desirous, captivating the senses with its irresistible appeal. A decadent glace gateau can bring one to blissful heights. Yet, indulging further may lead to an unpleasant aftermath - a nauseous feeling that one never wants to think of the cake again. "Eat Me Up (and Taste the Sweetness of My Heart)" explores the innate human desire for connection and belonging through the symbolic image of a gateau. It's a reflection of my essence, and while the "cake" may not cater to everyone's tastes, it holds its own unique allure for those willing to indulge. Ultimately, I am not beholden to conform to others' expectations; my flavour, though unconventional, is authentically mine, and those who appreciate it will savour it to the last bite. ”

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Eat Me Up (and Taste the Sweetness of my Heart): The Dessert
Eat Me Up (and Taste the Sweetness of my Heart): The Dessert

Work by

Meera Dinh

drawing and painting, oil painting

“I depict my body because it is all I know, because I am confined within it, and because it is the lens through which I perceive and navigate the world. Yet, beyond this physical form lies a mind, a...” [More]