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Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Suebin Moon

Dear Gamblers

Graphic Design
Gambling addiction is linked to a range of serious personal and social afflictions that not only impact the gambler, but also affect their nuclear family, workplace, or community. The consequence of their addictive craving can bring about depression, suicide, bankruptcy, family breakup, domestic abuse, assault, fraud, theft, and even homelessness.While governments and businesses condemn gambling, they also look to benefit from the enormous taxes and revenues gambling brings to their coffers. New gambling ventures, casinos, online gambling, sports betting, and games of chance are polluting all social media platforms. Gambling establishments are increasingly advertising every year and gambling addicts are constantly bombarded with enticing visual seduction everywhere they look. It is very difficult to ignore the proliferation of gambling messages published in print, video, on the internet, television, and other public communication media.Sadly, very little funding is being spent to warn the public about the addictive nature of open gambling and its influence on individuals who lack the knowledge to make informed decisions to gamble, or not. The advertisements, the architecture of the casinos, the entertainment, the sounds, the colors, messages, and sexuality all portray wild, fun, seductive environments which lure those players who know their limits and those who don't. Unfortunately, the lack of willpower severely damages and compromises those individuals who deny they have an addiction to gambling.My fourth-year workshop project was chosen to address the lack of information about gambling addiction in public media. My goal is to help potential and current gamblers become more informed about gambling and its dark side. While it is their freedom of choice to gamble or not, the downside of their choice may potentially lead to addiction. My goal was to create an awareness campaign aimed at gamblers and those family members and friends who are impacted by the addictions of gambling. I have designed two different information kits that are to be strategically placed in pharmacies, clinics, libraries, psychologists, and psychiatrist’s offices for gamblers and their victims.The information materials I have designed have been created to help the gambler understand their addiction, and assist those individuals directly victimized by the addiction.The Dear Victims kit has been positioned to help those family members directly impacted by the addicted gambler and informs them of resources available to guide them to support groups and services available.The Dear Gambler kit is designed to help gamblers understand the darkness of gambling, and addiction and support them as they navigate themselves out of the addiction. The kit is designed quietly for privacy purposes.

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Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers
Dear Gamblers

Work by

Suebin Moon

“Design brings content into focus; design makes function visible. ”