Ana Luisa Bernárdez Notz

Un espacio suspendido

Digital Media
Multimedia installation: VR environment (360 video), picture frames, furniture.
Virtual reality environment, exhibited in The Khyber Centre for The Arts (Halifax, NS) as part of the exhibition "Memorial: Work by Venezuelan Diaspora Artists", curated by Camila Salcedo. This work was also part of "Galvanized Suns", a three-day live-streamed media event curated by Diasporic Futurisms, a curatorial collective.

“"Un espacio suspendido" is an immersive digital environment in which I recreated my grandmother’s bedroom in Caracas. The room includes embedded family photographs, home movies from my childhood, and furniture that was modelled and textured referencing photographs from my personal family archive. Her house exists in a limbo state physically and psychologically for both of us: I now live in Canada, and she was displaced to a nursing home in 2018. The room itself, floating like an island on a body of water, points at the (in)accessibility that is only possible through memories and images. This digital environment and the objects that exist in it aim at weaving together narratives of displacement, the family archive, longing and remembrance - sentiments and themes common to the migrant experience. ”

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Un espacio suspendido
Un espacio suspendido
Un espacio suspendido
Un espacio suspendido
Un espacio suspendido
Un espacio suspendido
2020, "Memorial: Work by Venezuelan Diaspora Artists", curated by Camila Salcedo
The Khyber Centre for The Arts, Halifax, NS

Work by

Ana Luisa Bernárdez Notz

Interdisciplinary Artist