11:21pm in front of the water
Lasek's interest in the movement of time is reflected within the work through the hazy and gestural composition. A space can hold many meanings and emotions through the passing of time but their physical appearance remains the same.
Death Idles
Imagery of black cats are commonly used to signify the coming of death or bad luck. Death Idles portrays a black cat resting before it's next act.
I am in a black hole
Lasek's unsettling encounters with nightmares have motivated the creation of "I am in a black hole," a painting that mimics the distorted perceptions of dreams. The artwork simulates those instances when one is unsure if they are dreaming or not.... More
Mourning Dove
During December of 2022, a major snowstorm swept through parts of Southern Ontario. In an attempt to stay warm, a mourning dove huddled beside the house. The bird was relocated into a warm shed where it made a full recovery. Life was saved over... More
Snow Angel
Lasek uses the nature of snow as a metaphor to signify loss. Snow Angel depicts the remnants of bodies once occupying a space. Their absence is left as an imprint, left to morph over time. The snowy landscape, is beautiful, cold, and overwhelmingly... More
The passage of time is reflected through the diffusive form of the figures in embrace. Grasping tightly, the figures fight against the movement of time.
Work by
Anita Lasek
Drawing & Painting
“My paintings consider grief through an investigation of the body as a tangible site of stability. Exploring figurative form in a gestural manner, I return to personal narratives of grief and the...” [More]