01. Crack in the Armor
01. Crack in the Armor


01. Crack in the Armor

Burdened by immortality, a former warrior laments as his leisure time is cut short once again. A Crack in the Armor explores the struggle of a character cursed with the repeditive lifestyle of one who posesses plot armour. While the plot device... More

02. Devil of a Time
02. Devil of a Time


02. Devil of a Time

The demon king and his army posess a great responsibility of upholding their near-comical depictions of evil, and with great responsibility comes great vacation pay. Devil of a Time explores the idea behind the one-dimensionality of how evil is... More

03. Madly in Love
03. Madly in Love


03. Madly in Love

A highschool boy reacts to his cliched reality by attempting to ask his crush out despite his known aggression. Madly in Love explores the duality of a character who is written to promote the unhealthy traits of hypermasculinity. While aggression... More

04. Drop Dead Gorgeous
04. Drop Dead Gorgeous


04. Drop Dead Gorgeous

A love-stricken lady reacts to her cliched reality through her embarassment of the way she looks during a blind date. Drop Dead Gorgeous delves into the poorly written character archetype of the femme fatale, and how depictions of dangerous and... More

05. A Royal Pain
05. A Royal Pain


05. A Royal Pain

A local hero regularly comes to the rescue to help save an unusual damsel in the tower. A Royal Pain explores the damsel in distress cliche by addressing how virtuous acts of helping women in need are simply rewards for a male protagonist. The... More

06. Vanity in Vain
06. Vanity in Vain


06. Vanity in Vain

A gravely injured warrior reacts to their cliched reality by fully embracing the dispatched make up artists on the field. Vanity in Vain explores the concept of a character that is aware of the presentation of themselves to a greater audience, and... More

07. Me, Myself, and I
07. Me, Myself, and I


07. Me, Myself, and I

Me, myself and I describes the Mary Sue/Gary Stu archetype as a self-insert character that reacts to their cliched realities by taking complete advantage of their narrative gravity. All the characters present are direct references of my own... More

08. Martial Artist Artist
08. Martial Artist Artist


08. Martial Artist Artist

Martial Artist Artist delves into the concept behind the motivations of a character that realizes their only existence is to portray the idea of the character they are typecasted as. The protagonist reacts to their cliched reality by applying their... More

Alice Reborn
Alice Reborn


Alice Reborn

A dark reimagination of Lewi's Caroll's characters of Alice and Wonderland.

Slag Batholith
Slag Batholith


Slag Batholith

Creature design for Concept Art: Characters class.

The Mother
The Mother


The Mother

Personal work.

Work by

Dylan Tan aka. Kweikun


“Déjà Vu deconstructs the consequences of overutilized cliches in storytelling media by illustrating self-aware characters that react to their own cliched realities. These subversions hope to...” [More]