An Operation of Mars
An Operation of Mars


An Operation of Mars

This film is based on forces of the astral plane and the aura that extends beyond the physical body. An Operation of Mars envisions the inner planes of existence in order to explore the nature of our sentience beyond physical embodiment. The astral... More


Integrated Media


Desiderium: a state of ardent desire or longing, especially a feeling of loss or grief for something lost. Desiderium is a short horror film based on the story “The Monkey’s Paw” written by W.W. Jacob’s in which three wishes are granted to the... More

Work by

Rebecca Van Fraassen aka. Rev


“Desiderium is a short horror film based on the story “The Monkey’s Paw” in which three wishes are granted to the holder of a cursed paw. This narrative contains a warning about our elusive human...” [More]