Archives of Space
Archives of Space
Received Award


Archives of Space

Archives of Space is a mapping project that emphasizes the relationality between space, memories, and archives. The project juxtaposes a recorded history of Toronto with present-day voices that provide substantive and diverse critiques about the... More

Dynamic Thought Articulation
Dynamic Thought Articulation
Received Award


Dynamic Thought Articulation

Dynamic Thought Articulation (DTA) is a form of experimental mapping, sensing, and tracing that I developed during my MFA thesis to explain what transpires in encounters with artworks and to identify possible avenues for collective meaning-making.... More

Received Award



Ghostling explores the human experience of alienation, established by the chronic Othering involved in the structure of class in the digital age. The scenes follow an ambiguous ghost figure as it moves through a house. Archival footage of outdoor... More

Work by

Kalina Nedelcheva

Criticism & Curatorial Practice

“As a multi-media artist-researcher, emerging curator, and musician, I explore the ways in which human consciousness engages in processes of meaning-making. I have developed an uncanny interest in...” [More]