68% Blue, 32% Black
68% Blue, 32% Black


68% Blue, 32% Black

"Blue on Black, Black on blue, blue on blue, blue on blue, black again on blue."

82% Red, 18% Yellow
82% Red, 18% Yellow


82% Red, 18% Yellow

"Brown on red, red on brown, yellow on red, yellow on yellow, red on yellow, red again on red."

88% Red, 12% Yellow
88% Red, 12% Yellow


88% Red, 12% Yellow

"Red on red, brown on red, yellow on brown, and red on yellow."

Study 030, The Effect / Study 034, The Effect
Study 030, The Effect / Study 034, The Effect


Study 030, The Effect / Study 034, The Effect

Drawing Study Series

study 041, The Effect / Study 032, The Effect / Study 035, The Effect
study 041, The Effect / Study 032, The Effect / Study 035, The Effect
Study 046, The Effect / Study 048, The Effect / Study 045, The Effect
Study 046, The Effect / Study 048, The Effect / Study 045, The Effect

Work by

Margot Blackk

“Life is a series of experiences that leave an impact, shaping my actions, feelings, and contemplations. Even seemingly insignificant experiences contribute to my internal makeup, tracing back to...” [More]