I Want To Be My Own Bride
I Want To Be My Own Bride


I Want To Be My Own Bride

I can marry myself. I don't need a wedding dress, veil, or any accessories. I can do it.

Me and Other Me
Me and Other Me

Graphic Design

Me and Other Me

For all the people who have been questioning themselves, experiencing low self-esteem and insecurity issues-lacking confidence-| HOPE you find your answers after reading this book. After all, we want to define who we are by what we love, not by the... More

P5.JS-Letter C
P5.JS-Letter C

Mixed Media

P5.JS-Letter C

P5.js, a powerful JavaScript library, brings the magic of creative coding to life, allowing developers and artists alike to craft dynamic and engaging visual experiences. The letter "C" in P5.js is not just a mere character; it symbolizes a canvas... More

Work by

Queenii CZ

“‘Me and Other Me’ is my final publication during my time at OCAD University. For those experiencing low self-esteem and insecurity issues, lacking confidence, I hope you find your answers after...” [More]