Animated Visuals for background projection
Animated Visuals for background projection


Animated Visuals for background projection

How can I create motion design for an animated projections that enhance the dynamic performances of four hip-hop music acts at the Wavelength Music Festival?

Authentic you
Authentic you

Graphic Design

Authentic you

'Authentic you’ is a psychological card game that discusses the ‘attractive advantage’ of pretty privilege. Through discussion and playing cards, players begin to discuss different perspectives of the concept and discover their true-self.

Layer of Depth
Layer of Depth


Layer of Depth

Create several compositions using the technique of layering in riso printing, showcasing the importance of authenticity and inner depth rather than focusing solely on outer appearance and superficialities

Personal Stationary
Personal Stationary

Graphic Design

Personal Stationary

Design of my own personal stationery included Business card, Resume, Envelop, and Sticker by using personal logo.

Work by

Vanessa Lai

“To design, illustrate, paint, animate, and to create: continually refine my craft and finding joy in both the process, and the pursuit of improvement.”