MRP: Youth Healthcare Transitions: Supporting Gradual and Individualized Role and Responsibility Shifts
MRP: Youth Healthcare Transitions: Supporting Gradual and Individualized Role and Responsibility Shifts

Service Design

MRP: Youth Healthcare Transitions: Supporting Gradual and Individualized Role and Responsibility Shifts

Youth healthcare transition is described as the movement of youth from paediatric to adult care services. The systems are not optimized for gradual and seamless shifts, creating challenges in continuity, access, and quality of care. A key to... More

Youth Healthcare Transition: A Conceptual Framework
Youth Healthcare Transition: A Conceptual Framework


Youth Healthcare Transition: A Conceptual Framework

Youth healthcare transition is a key area of need for system transformation, but national consensus on guidelines are yet to be defined. The gaps that exist in transition to adult care are well known and acknowledged in research, however making... More

Work by

Christina Dery

Design for Health

“I strive to help address the pitfalls of our healthcare system that too often leave patients, families, and healthcare workers bearing the burden of bridging system gaps. My Design for Health studies...” [More]