A Home of Different Relics
A Home of Different Relics

Mixed Media

A Home of Different Relics

A Home of Different Relics: Though this piece was originally made through a digital program, the magic comes from the physical alterations added to it. Each physical item in this illustration is a product from a thrift store. Each item used to... More

A Polaroid of Two Artists
A Polaroid of Two Artists

Mixed Media

A Polaroid of Two Artists

A Polaroid of Two Artists: When I was little, I used to like playing with Crayola and drawing. I had so much fun simply drawing arbitrary shapes. I used to adore the Crayola stamp markers in elementary school. I used to color my sun with a yellow... More

Life Imitating Art
Life Imitating Art


Life Imitating Art

Life Imitating Art: To sit, and appreciate the artwork in a gallery can be overwhelming, but for some, pretty underwhelming. This illustration depicts a young woman staring off into the distance, showing that the portrait beside her (based on the... More

OCAD's Desire Path
OCAD's Desire Path


OCAD's Desire Path

OCAD's Desire Path: A desire path is an unplanned route or path that is normally seen on a grassy surface that is used by pedestrians in preference to or in the absence of a designated alternative. Thus leads to OCAD's desire path, leading to... More

Sims 2
Sims 2


Sims 2

Sims 2: When I was young, I used to watch my older sister play the game "Sims 2" on her old chunky computer. Though she wasn't very interested in teaching me how to play at first, she slowly warmed up to the idea and sat me down in her chair to... More

The Joy of Childhood Media
The Joy of Childhood Media


The Joy of Childhood Media

The Joy of Childhood Media: The internet was still an emerging thing for a lot of people, especially for younger audiences, so growing up in the early 2000's with this new technology was filled with different influences. Medias such as anime... More

The Lovers Stairwell
The Lovers Stairwell


The Lovers Stairwell

The Lovers Stairwell: A couple in love from an early age experiences constant change in their lives together, but their love for one another is the one constant. via both death and life.

The Timeline of Loving your Pet
The Timeline of Loving your Pet


The Timeline of Loving your Pet

The Timeline of Loving your Pet: Animals have always been a big part of many people's lives, and sadly, our lifespan is not always like our loveable companions. We grow together, and we bond, we create moments in life for each other, but... More

The Touch of the Golden Nose
The Touch of the Golden Nose


The Touch of the Golden Nose

The Touch of the Golden Nose: This illustration depicts a statue of a dog in a Moscow subway station. People are encouraged to rub the nose of the dog to receive good luck, resulting in the nose of the statue remaining golden while the rest of its... More

To Be Loved is to be Changed
To Be Loved is to be Changed

Mixed Media

To Be Loved is to be Changed

To Be Loved is to be Changed: This is my sketchbook. Nothing more than that, it has all my work since October of 2023. However, I genuinely adore all of my sketchbooks, including this one. It has been wrinkled in my school bag, inadvertently left... More

Work by

Alice Sharivker


“Through a series of illustrations utilizing experimental media, the viewer will be presented with nostalgic objects and moments of life to home to the popular phrase “to be loved is to be changed. It...” [More]