Digital Media
Clearance of Romanticized Dome Perspectives
A digital rendering of a dome in a deforested location
Homestead Out Building: Puffball Dome
A sculptural structure inspired by a puffball mushroom.
Mushroom Field Study
Mushroom Field Study is a series of hand-painted wood carvings to documentation the diversity of mushrooms found on a fall foray.
Nomadic Homestead
A trailered structural sculpture proposed to be a future artist residency. Built conceptually to vessel the essence of home as spaces of belonging become temporary home(s). Nomadic Homestead a dedication to reconciliation that legacy homesteaded... More
Not My Land
Not My Land is an ephemeral gesture of trying to "unmark" the ownership of deeded unceded land.
Rural Night
Beer bottles collected and hung on a chain link fence strung in a maple tree to display the constellation Orion. Orion is the only constellation that should be seen every night at any location in the world, but unfortunately light pollution... More
Topography Homestead Quilts
Homestead quilts are topographical representations of mine and my partner's family intergenerational homesteads. The Quilts are joined by cedar rail buttons and symbolize our marriage and the coming together of two bodies of land.
Trapped in Williams 1923 Treaty
A fox trap permanently fixed closed and covered in ripped layers of the Williams Treaty document that claimed the trapping, fishing, and hunting rights of the Kawatha (Kawartha Lakes) area.