Dismantling Weight Bias Towards Overweight Patients in Ontario Healthcare
Dismantling Weight Bias Towards Overweight Patients in Ontario Healthcare


Dismantling Weight Bias Towards Overweight Patients in Ontario Healthcare

Weight bias towards overweight patients is a prevalent form of discrimination present in healthcare today. These patients routinely receive unfair treatment, weight-focused diagnoses and shaming from healthcare providers. This causes psychological... More

Public Health Ontario: Elevating the Policy-making Process
Public Health Ontario: Elevating the Policy-making Process


Public Health Ontario: Elevating the Policy-making Process

Graduate Independent Study proposing an elevation of the Public Health Ontario's policy development process through design-thinking, foresight and systems thinking methods.

Work by

Ireena Haque

Strategic Foresight and Innovation

“As a designer, I believe empathy is imperative. I approach all problems with a compassionate lens, always dedicated to understanding all of the stakeholders involved. ”